第二十章 父亲的身份

  barney, when you hit is not cool?(巴尼,你打人的时候是不是很酷) no, is very cool!(不,是非常酷) as cool as a belt?(像腰带一样酷) youre like a belt!(你才是腰带)

  children, the performance is not very eye-catching, ah,(孩子,你刚才的表现不够抢眼啊) i know, you have said, i will work(我知道,你刚才说过了,我会努力的) yes ah, the progress of the times, the development of society,(是啊,时代在进步,社会在发展啊) you are old, can not keep up with the times,(你老了,跟不上时代了)子翔开玩笑道。

  巴尼看了眼子翔,又看了眼外面倒在地上的人,淡淡的说到maybe, im really old, i hope its not!(也许我真的老了,但愿这不是真的)

  when its dawn, well just say it.(天亮了,我们就在这说吧!)! all right!(好吧)

  your father is my good friend. he is a hero. he is a real hero(你父亲是我的好朋友,他是个英雄,是个真正的英雄)!子翔有点疑惑了,自己的父亲各方面都不错,可是怎么就成了英雄了?

  巴尼发现了子翔的疑惑然后说道'perhaps you do not know your father, he is a retired special forces, proficient in a variety of firearms and fighting, the death of his hands in the hands of the drug traffickers than chinas urban management(也许你还不了解你父亲,他是个退役的特种兵,精通各种枪械和格斗,死在他手里的毒贩子比中国的城管还多)听到这子翔更凌乱了,自己的父亲是很厉害,可是这些他怎么从来不告诉自己呢。

  before your father wrote to me and said he recently felt wrong, someone is going to kill him, too, killed so many people, there will always be his enemy came to the door of the(你父亲之前写信给我,说他最近感觉不对劲,有人要杀他,也是,杀了那么多人,总会有仇家找上门的)”巴尼顿了一下,接着说道he asked us to protect his children, that is, you a few, he said he was old, you can go to see the brothers together before the war, the y regret is not able to send you to the